Voxxrin pricing

Voxxrin remains free of charge for attendees, including speakers.
Our goal is to make Voxxrin accessible, sustainable and transparent for everyone.

Free Tier

Dive In with Zero Pressure

0€/ year
  • Events with less than 256 attendees
  • First usage of Voxxrin on your event
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Single day event

For small events

0.5€ / attendee
  • Single day events
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Multi-days event

For bigger events

1€ / attendee*
  • Multi days events
  • *Counting max daily attendees peak on your event.
    For example, if you have a 3d conference with 2500 / 3500 / 3200 daily attendees, this will cost you 3500€.
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Franchise or Private events

Ad hoc solution

Please contact us for a yearly quotation
  • Franchise Owners looking for multi-events
  • Companies willing to host a private event backed by Voxxrin
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Compare plans
Free Tier0€
Single day event0.5€ per attendee
Multi-days event1€ per attendee

Make your event & schedule available on Voxxrin app

Number of supported events


Ability for your attendees to build their schedules

Ability for your attendees to rate talks

Ability for your speakers to access their talk ratings

Support to properly configure your event to take advantage of all voxxrin features (see this wiki page)


Dedicated monitoring support during your event (and the week before, when your attendees will build their schedules)


For 1 event

Please, contact us if you're willing to have the same level of support for all your events.

White labelled apps (PWA, Android and iOS)


Share ratings across other conference organizers (from same franchise)


Dedicated support to implement specific feature available in the roadmap

Drop us an email at contact@voxxr.in and we will look for a quote